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Number of Results: 554
Promising Practices in Law Enforcement Victim Support
Victim-centered, trauma-informed approaches to crime can support victim recovery and engagement with the criminal justice system.
Elevate Blue
Elevate Blue is a best-in-class virtual training that was designed to address the contemporary challenges faced by law enforcement agencies.
Dea drugs of abuse 2022.pdf
Drugs of Abuse: A DEA Resource Guide/2022 Edition
Inside XXXXXXXXXX THE PROFESSIONAL VOICE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT FEBRUARY 2009 Focus on Vehicles Inside CALEA Accreditation Efficiency Led Management Cyberterrorism Attacks on Police Departments MARCH...
IACP DRE Technical Advisory Panel Meeting Friday October 18 2013 Philadelphia PA The annual IACP Technical Advisory Panel meeting was held on Friday October 18 2013 at the Loews Hotel in Philadelphia PA ...
1 IACP DRE Technical Advisory Panel Meeting Friday September 28 2012 San Diego CA The annual IACP Technical Advisory Panel meeting was held on Friday September 28 2012 at the Omni Hotel in San Diego C...
TAP members in attendance Jonlee Anderle Wyoming HSO WY DRE State Coordinator Brent Carter California Highway Patrol Kyle Clark Institute of Police Technology and Management FL DRE State Coordinator Karl Citek Pacific University Oregon Don Decker Mass...
Tap meeting minutes april 2019.pdf
DRE Technical Advisory Panel Meeting Minutes April 23 2019 Orlando FL 2 DRE Technical Advisory Panel Mid Year Meeting Minutes April 23 2019 Orlando Florida Attendees Robert Ticer Chair Joe Abrusci Don Alves Beth Barnes Kenny Benfiel...
Tap goals and membership responsibilities.pdf
IACP DRE Technical Advisory Panel TAP Goals Responsibilities and Membership September 2020 2 IACP DRE Technical Advisory Panel TAP Goals Responsibilities and Membership TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 3 Short Range Goals 3 Lon...
Tactical safety - safer roads.pdf
I N T E R N AT I O N A L ASS O C I AT I O N O F C H I E F S O F P O L I C E 1 Safer Roads STRONGER Communities How Traffic Safety Saves Lives and Actually Improves Them I N T E R N AT I O N A L ASS O C I AT I O N O F C H I E F S O F P O L I C...
1 IACP DRE Technical Advisory Panel Annual Meeting Friday October 13 2006 Boston MA The annual IACP Technical Advisory Panel meeting was held on Friday October 13 2006 at the Hyatt Regency in Boston MA PRESENT Earl Sweeney TAP Chair...
44 Canal Center Plaza Suite 200 Alexandria VA 22314 USA 703 836 6767 or 1 800 THEIACP www theIACP org President Chief Louis M Dekmar LaGrange GA Police Department Immediate Past President Chief Donald W De Lucca Doral FL Pol...